Women’s Reproductive Health International

Sponsoring health scholarships for women in the U.S. and internationally.

We offer three plans for immediate healthcare funding

Plan A
Plan B
Plan C

Plan A

Assistance with airfare/transportation to a friendly state or country. Click the “learn more” button for an immediate response about emergency funding.

Plan B

Assistance for an immediate need. Click the “learn more” button for an immediate response  emergency funding.

Plan C

Our long term plan, scholarships for those seeking to specialize or learn about reproductive health or domestic violence. Apply in the “learn more” email link below.

You already know our work from previous non-profits

We saw the need for this type of scholarship and are filling the need, one person at a time.

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Privacy is our main concern

HIPAA rules about your health situation can be accessed, we use secure email to ensure that no person, state, or government can access the reasons you have contacted us for assistance.

Please use our admin address, admin@wrh.international for site contacts and those under “Learn More” for our programs.

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